library statistics
Name of Library: “JNANA SANGAMA" ”Library and Information Center.
Nature of the Library : Academic Library.
Year of Establishment : 1997
Area / Population Served: Students and Teaching and Non – teaching Staff.
Working Hours : 8.30 AM To 8.30 PM
Examination Times : 8.30 AM To 09.30 PM
Total No. of Volumes - 35635
General Books - 15733
Book Bank Books - 17805
SC/ST Books - 1093
JS &Other - 1004
Total No. of Titles - 6381
General Books - 5090
Book Bank Books - 632
SC/ST Books - 383
JS &Other - 428
Books added during the year 2017-18 - 1416 (21/04/2017 to 01/02/2018)
No. of Titles added during the year 2017-18 - 252
Total Expenditure on books during the year 2017-18 - Rs. ,01,935.00
Total Expenditure on Books - Rs. 92, 03,981.14
No. of Magazines Subscribed - 14
No. of Newspapers Subscribed - 13
Total No. of Journals - 46
National - 46
E-journals - VTU E-Consortia
Building Area - 1000 Sq Mtr.
Library Seating capacity - 100 + 150 = 250